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삼성 1200만 화소 카메라폰 SCH-W880 < Pixon 12 (M8910) > 촬영 샘플 사진

by Good Morning ^^ 2009. 8. 25.


Samsung Pixon 12 Megapixel camera phone
The AMOLED Display of the Samsung Pixon 12 camera phone is divided left and right into various programs. It allows you to quickly switch between picture and video mode, and provides quick access to the scene programs. Everybody will be able to shoot with optimal settings, thanks to 13 pre-programmed scenes. We are also aware of the fact that more and more camera phones now feature integrated convenient auto image editing
software. Remarkable is the so-called object-tracking. By briefly touching an object on the AMOLED screen, the object is then continuously tracked and the Samsung camera phone will also continuously focus on it.

Pixon 12 review

Samsung Pixon 12 review
We recognize the exact development the digital camera has undergone in the past, now being applied to mobile photography, only at a faster pace. Regarding: automation, built-in intelligent software and, indeed, the Megapixel Race. Soon, the Samsung Pixon 12 camera phone will be fully tested, but first we took it out on a daytrip to experience mobile photography. We left the resolution at 12 Megapixels, and we changed from different image ratios to various camera settings. The Samsung Pixon 12 camera phone serves the purpose extremely well, and as long as Samsung does not claim we are dealing with a 'professional' camera, the Samsung Pixon 12 is a very welcome addition to the world of digital photography.

Samsung Pixon 12

Samsung Pixon 12 photo gallery
The Samsung Pixon test photos were taken in Artis the Zoo in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, with a nearly final production mobile phone which means that this Samsung mobile is equal to the cell phone that the consumer can expect to purchase. To download the original Samsung test photos, click on the link below the pictures. Enjoy the Samsung Pixon sample photo gallery!

샘플 사진이랍니다. 쥑이네요^^ 꼭 사야지....
(사진을 클릭하면 원본이 보입니다.  한장당 파일 크기가 3.4~3.5MB 정도 됩니다.)

