Nvidia announces hundreds of job losses
Chip firm says workforce reductions will let it focus on key development
vnunet.com, 19 Sep 2008
Nvidia has announced that it is cutting jobs to enable it to invest in strategic growth areas.
The company said that it expected to reduce its workforce by about 6.5 per cent, or roughly 360 people.
Nvidia has some 5,000 employees worldwide, and has offices in England, Finland, France, China, Russia, Japan and Korea among others.
"Our action today is difficult but necessary considering current business realities," said Jen-Hsun Huang, president and chief executive at Nvidia.
"Despite our reduction, we will continue to invest in selective high-growth opportunities like our revolutionary CUDA parallel computing technology and our Tegra mobile single-chip computer.
"We are taking fast action to enhance our competitive position and restore our financial performance."
The reduction in workforce is expected to be completed by the end of October. Nvidia said that it would offer redundant employees severance packages, counselling and job placement services.
올해 사업 확장에 박차를 가하던 실리콘 밸리의 중견 기업들 중 하나인 Nvidia 사가 지난 목요일 6.5%에 해당하는 약 360명의 직원을 권고 해직시켰답니다. 최근 미국 내의 불황과 GPU 사업으로의 확장에 제동이 걸렸다는 말이 있습니다.
해직 직원에게는 2개월분의 월급을 지급하고 바로 처리 작업에 들어갔다고 합니다.
사정은 대기업들도 마찬가지군요.
ATI를 인수한 Nvidia의 최대 적수인 AMD사와의 승부에서도 최근에 발표한 GeForce GPU의 overstock 관련 문제가 불거진 것도 치명타의 하나로 볼수 있겠군요.
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