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Passion Fruit & Mangosteen

by Good Morning ^^ 2005. 7. 4.

Passion Fruit Ice Cream Baked Alaska with Strawberry Coulis.

Preparation time less than 30 minsCooking time 10 to 30 mins

115g/3¾oz butter
115g/3¾oz self raising flour
115g/3¾oz caster sugar
a few drops vanilla extract
250ml/8fl oz double cream
250ml/8fl oz passion fruit concentrate
1 vanilla pod
6 large eggs
small punnet strawberries
lemon juice
3 tbsp caster sugar
90g/3oz icing sugar

1. Mix the caster sugar, butter and 2 eggs in a food processor until creamy, then add the sieved flour and vanilla extract and mix again.
2. Grease four 9cm/3½in rings on a baking sheet covered with tin foil. Place the mixture into the rings and cook at 200C/400F/Gas 6 for 10 minutes to make the sponge bases.
3. Cut off the tops and bottom of each cake to remove and crust and set aside to allow to cool.
4. Warm the cream and passion fruit concentrate with a split vanilla pod, then gradually add 4 egg yolks until the mixture thickens.
5. Place the creamy mixture into an ice cream making machine. When ready fill four small dariole moulds and freeze to make the ice cream.
6. To make the strawberry coulis: chop the strawberries and cook down with the lemon juice and caster sugar until the strawberries start to disintegrate. Pass the strawberries through a fine sieve, collect the coulis and also retain the strawberry pulp. Set aside.
7. To make the meringue mix: beat 4 egg whites, gradually adding icing sugar until stiff stage is reached. Set aside.
8. Remove the moulds from the freezer, scoop out the centre with melon baller, add some of the strawberry pulp.
9. To assemble the pudding: place the sponge circles on a well buttered baking sheet, cover the top of the sponge with strawberry coulis.
10. Place a strawberry stuffed ice cream dome from the moulds onto the sponge and cover completely with the meringue mixture. Bake for 3-5 minutes in a hot oven (230C/450F/Gas 8) until the meringues have gone golden.
11. Serve immediately with the coulis.


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