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Motorola GPS 8megapixel Camera-Phone "ALEXANDER"

by Good Morning ^^ 2008. 8. 6.

Motorola Alexander live shot!

Posted in: Exclusives, Handsets, Motorola

Remember that phone we told you about? Well, we got more info on it and it turns out that it’s going to be a Windows Mobile handset. Here’s a list of some of the specs we found:

  • Windows Mobile 6.1 (though it looks like Windows Mobile 7)
  • 5-8 megapixel camera
  • NVIDIA chip the handle 3D graphics
  • aGPS
  • Q4 release date

We’re working on some more shots and info, but until then… what are you thinking? Does Moto have a chance?

드뎌 알렉산더의 베일이 벗겨지고 있습니다.

근데, 키패드가 제가 생각했던 방식이 아니네요.

이건 너무 징그러워~~

OS는 Symbian이 아니고 WM6.1이군요.

8mp인줄 알았는데...5mp가 될수도 있겠구요...

디자인이...이런 모습을 상상했던 건 아닌데...


* THE SOURCE FROM : http://www.boygeniusreport.com

