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화이트 아이폰 4 white iPhone 4 는 언제나 ?

by Good Morning ^^ 2010. 9. 24.

이제 아이폰 4 블랙을 손에 넣은지 딱 1주일이 되었습니다. 아이폰 4 구입과 관련하여 현대 퍼플카드를 매개체로 KT로 부터 받기로 한 아이폰 프리미엄 멤버쉽 서비스 < KT club black suit > 내용중, CGV 연 6회 무료영화, 스타벅스 연 4회 무료커피, 휴대폰 분실시 임대폰 무료대여, 해외 통화시 001 파워 모바일 서비스, 중국/일본 로밍 넘버 서비스, wi-fi 로밍 서비스 외, < 유무선 망내 무제한 통화 서비스로서 본인 포함 2회선에 2년 약정 기간동안 무제한 통화 서비스 > 가 있습니다.

< 유무선 망내 무제한 통화 서비스로서 본인 포함 2회선에 2년 약정 기간동안 무제한 통화 서비스 > 란 통신사가 KT인 본인을 포함한 휴대폰 2대에게 KT 유무선 ( 휴대폰 / 일반전화 / 070 인터넷전화 ) 전화에 거는 모든 통화료를 2년 동안 무조건 무료로 해주는 서비스 입니다.

그러니, 1주일 전 개통한 아이폰 블랙으로 1회선을 사용하고, 이제 1회선을 추가 지정 신청하면 되는데... 불행하게도 현재 나를 포함한 주위에 통신사가 KT인 휴대폰을 사용하는 사람이 주위에 없다는 것입니다. 그래서, 결국 사용하던 SKT 회선을 KT로 번호이동 한 뒤 프리미엄 서비스를 받으려고 저 화이트 아이폰4를 기다리고 있는 것입니다.

그런데, 화이트 아이폰4 출시에 대한 말들만 무성하고... 도대체 언제쯤 출시될지 땁땁하기만 합니다. 그래서 인터넷을 뒤져서 언제쯤 아이폰4 화이트가 출시될지 살펴봄으로서 그 땁땁한 마음을 조금이나마 해소해 보려고 했습니다.

1. 화이트 액정 만드는게 그리 간단한게 아니다.

... Some analysts who follow Apple say they believe the problems are indeed related to manufacturing, though they do not agree on their possible cause.

“It may be that they are not running the production lines in parallel,” said Tina Teng, an analyst with iSuppli. “They have to fulfill demand for the black ones first.” This is certainly a possibility, since Apple said this week that it was working hard to produce enough iPhone 4s — and iPads — to satisfy demand. Ms. Teng noted that she was merely speculating. “It can also be that materials are not ready,” she said, referring to the glass for the white iPhone.

The latter explanation made sense to Tim Bajarin, of Creative Strategies, who has been following Apple for three decades. Mr. Bajarin said the challenge was not just making white glass, but the exact tint of white that is approved by Apple’s designers. That, he said, involves mixing multiple layers or dyes and the manufacturing challenges apparently “have been harder than Apple anticipated.”

Mr. Bajarin also said Apple may not want to release the white iPhone until it is ready to supply them in sufficient quantities: “My belief is that the demand for the white iPhone is much higher than they anticipated. They don’t want to ship them in dribs and drabs. They want to have a large number of units to satisfy customers’ need all at once.”

Last week, Engadget delved into the challenges facing Apple’s glassmakers in enough detail to satisfy the most obsessed Apple fans. - By MIGUEL HELFT in http://bits.blogs.nytimes.com on July 23, 2010, 6:23 pm

==> 화이트 만드는 자체가 문제가 아니라, 다층 액정 깔맞춤 제대로 하고 충분한 물량 완전 확보하는것이 중요하므로, 그 전까진 출시 안하겠다 ?

2. 크리스마스 시즌에 출시될 예정이다.

... Recently there have been reports that Steve Jobs has hinted at white iPhone 4 becoming available before Christmas this year, in a reply to the email from a high school student. Already Apple had said that it will be availabel later this year. - By Posted by Chang in http://www.lanewsmonitor.com on September 19th, 2010

==> 9월 16일 고삐리 Nathan 이 아이폰으로 스티브 잡스에게 물었는데 크리스마스에 출시한다고 답이 왔다고 ? (아래가 그 내용 전문입니다.)

" iPhoneDownloadBlog reader Nathan sent in this email to Jobzilla:

Hello Steve, My name is Nathan, I’m a high school student from San Bernardino. I also happen to be one of your biggest fan and a total Apple fanboy and proud to be. I’ve been saving up money to buy the new iphone 4. I want the white one but Apple said it won’t be available until later this year. I know you must be asked this question hundreds of times a day but do you think we can expect to get the white iphone for xmas?
I hope you can answer. Thank you Steve.

To which ‘Lifetime Achievement in Technology’ award winner Steve Jobs replied in his usual terse manner,

Christmas is later this year.

Sent from my iPhone "

3. 또 다시 근접센서가 문제였으나 현재는 해결됐다.

There are many rumors for the delay for White iPhone 4 to be available. Now, the information is coming that the cause behind White iPhone 4 is due to malfunctioning of its proximity sensor.  The proximity sensor of White iPhone 4 was able to transmit signal but was not able to receive them properly. It is being fixed now and White iPhone 4 is anticipated to be available by year end before Christmas. - By Jenny Lewis in http://www.mobilesdna.com on September 21, 2010

==> 근접센서 송신은 정상, 그러나 수신이 이상, 현재는 해결되었다구 ?
현재 아이폰4 블랙도 근접센서 이상인 폰이 더러 있다는데... (자세한 뒷얘기는 아래에...)

The story goes like this.  Initially, the White iPhone 4 didn’t allow infrared sensor to transmit and receive signal properly. So, designers decided to apply small holes on top of iPhone 4, just above the speaker. Soon it was realized that the holes can be seen clearly from the sensor and they decided to apply a metallic film which reproduced the same color of the edges of the iPhone.  In initial testing it was discovered that this film which is opaque from front and metallic from back can transmit signal properly. But it was bit late when they discovered that there was problem in receiving signals which led to proximity sensor malfunctioning and the production has to be postponed to a later date.

It is also being informed that the engineers have found the solution and tested successfully by keeping the back of the film opaque and front is formed by many small metal dots which allow sending and receiving signals correctly. Here is a video showing the first cover mounted on an original white iPhone 4, to make you understand where this film is positioned and how to possibly remove in case of problems.

Earlier there have been many causes behind White iPhone 4 including, the antennagate issue, and screen color issue. However, still there is confirmation of reason behind the delay until Apple itself announces the causes by themselves. But we are relying that Apple will stay on his words this time and we will receive White iPhone 4 by year end. You can follow us on twitter or facebook to be updated on all the latest on Apple and its products.


결론적으로, 아이폰4 화이트 역시, 안테나문제, 화면색상문제, 그리고 근접센서문제 등이 있거나 있었거나... 크리스마스에 한국에서도 정말 구매할 수 있을지 좀 더 지켜보면서 새로운 정보를 계속 찾아봐야 겠습니다.

p.s. : 2번 크리스마스 운운... 이건 또 FAKE라는 게시물도 있네요 ^^

