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Chelsea Davis hit the board

by Good Morning ^^ 2005. 7. 27.
MONTREAL (AFP) - US diver Chelsea Davis smacked her forehead into the 3m springboard during the preliminary competition at the World Swimming Championships but escaped serious injury.
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"Chelsea has no fracture, maybe just a little chip fracture but basically her nose was not broken," said US diving team leader Bob Rydze.

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"The plastic surgeon is putting two or three stitches up on the bridge of her nose. That's the only place she was cut.

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"She knew she hit the board, and she knew what dive she hit the board on, which was a very good sign. A lot of times divers hit the board and forget on what dive they hit the board."

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Rydze said Davis, 17, was released from the hospital later Friday, and still wanted to compete in the 3m synchronized springboard on Sunday.


... 애 죽일뻔 했군..다행히 골절은 없다고는 하지만 아마도 얼굴 전체가 풍선처럼 부풀어 오를텐데 시합은 강행하겠다고 한다니... 그 소녀 참 지독한 처자군...


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